Biyernes, Agosto 5, 2011


Dade Murphy is a boy who is fascinated with computers all his life. He was able to hack into the computer network of several top Wall Street investment and banking firms in their place. He was forbidden to use a computer until he reached his 18th birthday as his punishment. When he turned to 18 he immediately focus himself to his computers. He meets up with a group of hackers: the tough cyber gamer Kate who is Acid Rain also, junior hacker Jesse Bradford, Cereal Killer, Nikon, and Phantom. They hacked several times but they don’t intend to destroy systems rather they simply want to explore and to know more about the system. In the long run of hacking they encounter this former hacker The Plague who turned to be a computer security expert with a huge multinational corporation. The Plague uses his expertise to drain funds from corporate bank accounts and transfer it to his accounts. He leaves clues to the investigators to someone else which is the group of Dade but they have a secret weapon. A computer virus that could wipe out the entire world wide web in a matter of minutes and they use it. After that incident, several students were arrested because of their involvement in computer hacking.

The Social Network

Mark Zuckerberg is a student in Harvard hacks into the universitys computer to create a site that forms a databases of all the women on campus, this is to asks the user every time they visit the site to choose which of the two girls in the picture is hotter, he made it after their break up with his girlfriend. He calls it “Facemash” and it crashed the entire university system and generated a controversy in the campus. When the people found out who is behind the facemash they immediately charged him in creating he site, intentionally breached security, violated copyrights and violated individual privacy. When they’re already investigating him there is a group of students who wanted him to join their group to create a social networking site and they introduce it to him. After that he decided to join the group and they told him the idea about the site. On the long run of the investigation he try to make a social networking site which is “The Facebook” which is introduced to him by the group who talked to him. But he made it with his own codes and efforts. He got nothing in the group he joined but still they telling to the investigators that he get their source codes. But Mark made the site to clean his reputation to the people. And when he uploaded it to the internet many people patronized it and it is the beginning of the story of the youngest billionaire in the world which is mark Zuckerberg.

Artificial Intelligence

         One of the mecha producing company invented a realistic robot programmed to love which is David, a child looks like a real 11-year old. This robot has a feelings and he learn to love his adopted family especially the mother. Henry Swinton brought home David and he hopes that this robot would help relieve the sorrow of her wife for their son Martin who has been lying in deep freeze until a cure could be found for his fatal sickness. Until such time Martin This main theme of love includes the rivalry between the "mecha" boy and the "orga" (organic) child; Monica's love for and attitude towards the two. This incident threatens to upset the household and troubles Monica. She has to make choice and she let go David. However, David who is a robot-boy-almost-human child long for his mother’s love that begins an obsessive search for someone and there is another “mecha” who help him to transform into a real boy, and worthy to his mother’s love. 



The movie Anti Trust is all about a young programmer and a large company (NURV) that offers significant money, a nice workplace, and opportunities for those programmers willing to work with the company. The (CEO) Gary Winston of the company seems to be nice and good natured, but the young programmer Milo Hoffman who is newly hired begins to reveal the hidden truth about the company’s operation. The movie Anti Trust is pro-open source story and it features Linux, using screenshots of the Gnome. Milo is working with his friends in their newly establish software company (Skullbocks), after he graduate in Stanford he is contacted by Gary Winston the CEO of the NURV for a very attractive position. After accepting the offer Milo and his girlfriend move to NURV headquarters in Portland, Oregon. When he already working in the company, he began to doubt the excellent source code the CEO provides to him. He discovers that NURV is stealing the source code they need for the development of the SYNAPSE from programmers around the world including his best friend Chin and then killing them to cover their tracks. He discovers also that the company has information of a very personal nature about his friends including also. He plan to sabotage the company and reveal the bad doings of the company using the local public-access television to hijack Synapse and broadcast their charges against NURV to the World unfortunately his friend in the company Lisa Calighan betrayed him. But he also include to his plan his other friend to backup him and his friend accomplish the plan and they revealed to the whole world the crime of the company. After that incident, Milo rejoins Skullbocks and he make his life better.